Laser Periodontal Therapy

Laser periodontal therapy is a laser dentistry treatment performed by a dental doctor to remove diseased or inflamed gum tissue caused by periodontal disease, or gum disease.
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Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP®)

Dental doctor smiling for a photo in the dentist office. At Rubino Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, we stay at the forefront of modern techniques and technology to ensure our patients are receiving the best care possible.

One of our tools is an advanced dental laser used to perform Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP®). Drs. Ryan and Tyler Rubino are both certified in this gentle, highly effective treatment and frequently uses it to help restore patients’ oral health.

Dangers of Gum Disease

Graphic showing the link between gum disease, heart disease and stroke with diagrams. Gum disease (also called periodontal disease) is a progressive bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the gums—it affects more than half of all adults in America. Bacteria hiding in the “pockets” that form between the gums and roots of the teeth multiply, causing infection and bone loss that can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Studies show that gum disease is also linked to serious systemic health issues such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and more.

Benefits of Periodontal Laser Gum Treatment (LANAP) Therapy

No Cut, No Sew Graphic

FDA-approved LANAP therapy is a safe, proven procedure that kills disease-causing bacteria and promotes healing. With minimally invasive LANAP, there is no scalpel, no sutures, and no lengthy recovery.

How Laser Periodontal Therapy (LANAP) Works

A tiny laser fiber slipped into the gum pocket emits light that treats the diseased areas. Dental lasers emit specific wavelengths of light that perform different functions, such as trimming away excess bone, contouring soft tissue or killing harmful bacteria. The Periolase® laser Dr. Rubino uses to perform LANAP actually removes diseased gum tissue and kills the bacteria that cause gum disease without harming areas of healthy gum. It also promotes healing by stimulating the blood clotting process, forming a seal around the pocket and keeping bad bacteria out.

Receiving Treatment with LANAP

Dr. Rubino does an oral exam, reviews the patient’s medical history and takes diagnostic images to determine if they are a candidate for LANAP. He explains the treatment in easy-to-understand terms so the patient knows what to expect before, during and after the procedure.

The LANAP procedure has a few basic steps:

  1. The patient receives local anesthetic (and sedation, if needed) to prevent discomfort.
  2. The laser is used to eliminate bacteria and diseased gum tissue.
  3. An ultrasonic scaler removes plaque buildup on the surface of the tooth root.
  4. Another pass with the laser cleans and seals the pocket.

“Complete treatment takes about four hours,” says Dr. Rubino, “or we can break it up into two 2-hour sessions. Most of my patients say they were completely comfortable during the procedure and were surprised by how little discomfort they experienced afterward. People can usually return to work the next day.”